Western urban areas, the Alamo and a bustling river walk aren’t the only things that have San Antonio buzzing this week. IAHCSMM is back and in action. Starting early this year on Saturday with an Endoscope Reprocessing workshop, the conference kicked off with a bang! UniteOR was delighted to sponsor the speakers for this presentation, Garland Grisby and Russell Arcana. In addition, UniteOR’s own CEO, Cameron Werschkul, and VP, Joy Boswell, are standing proudly at the vendor fair today at booth #1325.
Educational sessions span from Endoscope reprocessing to understanding best sterilization practices in CSP departments to how to deal with faculty in those departments. Learn more about getting a handle on your loaner tray process as well as information on AAMI and JACHO standards and stop by UniteOR’s booth!